
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Phew..... Christmas is over :)

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We started the tradition when Tyler and Emily were little that we do not leave home Christmas day. Zane's parents come over for breakfast, then the rest of the day is spent lounging, playing games, napping, whatever everyone feels like doing.

Emily woke me up at 3 am with breakfast in bed. She got up at 2,made place-cards for breakfast, and cards for Zane and I on our breakfast trays. She had me a blubbering mess by 315 am. I told her I hope she liked her presents, she said "Oh Mommy, I already have everything I want for Christmas, our family together.". I replied "sweetheart, you are the best daughter a mom could ever have", then she said "you are the best mommy a girl could have". Christmas morning couldn't have been more perfect. We watched A Christmas Story while waiting for 5 am to wake Tyler and Zane and open our presents.

With all the Holiday traveling and fun with family and friends, scrap time has been limited. I did manage to do a mini album for The Scrapbook Nook new monthly kit starting soon. I can't show any pictures yet, but will as soon as it goes live!
Zane had to go drop some projects off at The Scrapbook Nook for me and came home with some hunting and fishing paper. I took that as a hint that he wanted me to do some pages for his album. My beloved Co-Worker Martha made me promise my next page would be for him. So here you go Martha :)
The picture above, I used a retired CTMH set called Steep and Deep for the trees. The letters are by Prima, then inked over with colonial white ink. My new favorite ink! I really like the white on dark colors, just remember to let it dry before touching.
Every Christmas I make Zanes Grandma an assortment of cards to refill her card stash for the year. Below is a few I threw together to add to the mix. I made 4 of each one, all using scraps. This is a great way to use up random scraps that will otherwise be laying in the box for months.
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Now that the Holidays are nearly behind us, I am back on track with weekly blog updates and preparing for January's newsletter. I can't wait to share the January CTMH special! It is superb! Let me know if you you would like to receive my monthly newsletter by emailing me at:


  1. Wonderful Angie! Thanks for including me in your blog!lol Nice page! I know i joke with you but you sure are very talented!
